Is an Anion Generating Face Mask the Ultimate Solution for Airborne Pollutants?
Airborne negatively charged ions have long been used for cleaning spaces by removing dust particles and stunting bacterial, fungal, and viral growth. Likewise, the ongoing pandemic has made the use of face masks inevitable. A novel concept has been established by integrating the benefits of negatively charged air ions with the advantages of conventional facemasks to tackle the current situation and offer additional advantages as well. The newly devised concept can be used by any individual who can wear a mask but will be especially useful for healthcare workers, infected individuals and those concerned about the possibility of inhaling harmful airborne particles. This new facemask concept may be crucial in reducing the risk of airborne diseases and is a far better choice in adequate protection as opposed to the standard single or multi layered cloth mask. This new mask concept is simple, cost effective, and appears to perform extraordinarily well. It requires no outside power source and is even washable and reusable. It is also remarkably comfortable and can be designed so that one size fits most adults.
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