Differences in the Levels of Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) and Formaldehyde in Cigarette Smoke and Electrocautery Produced Smoke in Orthopaedic Surgery at IGNG Ngoerah (Sanglah) Denpasar General Hospital
Introduction: In surgeons, electrosurgical surgical devices are gaining attention that stands out as one of the most useful and most widely used instruments. Thus, the instrument of electrical surgery is undoubtedly one of the most useful and most frequently used tools by surgeons. However, not many realize that the use of electrosurgery can produce smoke containing quite harmful gases such as TVOC gases such as benzene, nitrile, hydrocyanides and other hydrocarbons as well as Formaldehyde.
Methods: This study used a Crossectional Observational research design with a control group, namely cigarette smoke, and a cauter smoke treatment group. Samples in the form of TVOC and fromaldehyde levels were taken as a result of all cigarette smoke and cauterized smoke operating at IBS Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar. Then patients from each age level will be randomized using the Online Research Randomizer (randomizer.org) application. Then the levels of TVOC and fromaldehyde are measured in the area of operation, and for cigarette smoke it is carried out using non-filtered cigarettes.
Results: In this study, the cigarette group had an average TVOC of 9,841 mg/m3 and formaldehyde of 1,197 mg/m3. Meanwhile, the average TVOC in the electrocautery group was 6.34 mg/m3with the average formaldehyde contained in this study of 0.87 mg/m3. It was also found in the combined levels of TVOC and formaldehyde in the cigarette group of 5.51 mg/m3which was greater than the electrocauter group of 3.60 mg/m3.
Conclusion: Levels of TVOC and formaldehyde in orthopedic surgical electrocauteric smoke are lower levelsthan cigarette smoke. The combined total level of electrocauteric smoke of TVOC and formaldehyde content in orthopedic surgery is lower than the combined total level of TVOC and formaldehyde content in cigarette smoke.
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