Why the Coffee Powder is the Best Topical Wound Dressing?
The coffee powder has inherent capabilities as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. It is a topical wound dressing for acute and chronic wounds, encouraging results different from the wound dressing known today. It is named the new paradigm of wound management. The study of coffee powder since 2003 as a topical wound dressing has created an understanding condemn to disturb the cells in the wound bed. A thin layer of coffee powder should stay in place to ensure safety, covering superficial wound cells’ growth. The remained thin layer of coffee powder has created minimum detached wound cells. Wound healing provides effectiveness for acute and chronic wounds resulted in low cost, easy to get, acceptable scar, non-traumatic, pleasant scent, and not scary to the patients. The utilization of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial capacities anticipates the injury of the new growth of epithelial cells at the wound bed. It makes better cell proliferation, proper scar formation and safe naturally. Its simplicity in wound management procedures helps improve public health efforts. Hence, it suggested that the coffee powder has the capabilities of the best topical wound dressing.
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