How Combining Grounding and Acupuncture Simultaneously Increases Beneficial Outcomes Over Traditional Acupuncture?
Multidisciplinary studies showed that when the human body is electrically in contact with the Earth (earthing or grounding), it produces intriguing consequences on the physiology and health of the human being. These effects are related to treating acute and chronic inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses, immunological responses, wound treatment, and prevention. At the same time, acupuncture in Traditional Medicine has been widely utilized for its low side effects and therapeutic effectiveness as primary therapeutic therapy. However, the electrical reaction to acupuncture stimulation has not been investigated in conditions with acupuncture that could alter acupuncture therapeutic effectiveness. The study's objective is to inform scientists of the apparent innovative approach to inflammation studies; and alert researchers to the importance of the duration and the degree of grounding, which may affect the results of inflammation, injury, and tumorigenesis studies. Grounding with acupuncture decreases pain and changes the quantity of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes and circulating chemical substances linked to inflammation. This work reviews the potential of acupuncture with earthing as an easy and readily accessible worldwide modality of substantial clinical importance is reviewed in this work.
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